House Cat Breeds, Best Indoor Cat Breeds

domestic house cat

Lybica had the good luck of proximity to the first human settlements. As agriculture spread out from the Fertile Crescent, so, too, did the tame scions of F. Lybica, filling the same niche in each region they entered—and effectively shutting the door on local wildcat populations. Had domestic cats from the Fertile Crescent never arrived in Africa or Asia, perhaps the indigenous wildcats in those regions would have been drawn to homes and villages as urban civilizations developed there.

domestic house cat

Associations with human culture

Typically, cats walk or run by moving the front and back legs on each side together. Each paw hits the ground at a different point in the stride, which is known as a four-beat gait. Most of the cat’s weight is centered on the front paws while walking. Breed “standards” are written guidelines describing the attributes that make an ideal example of the breed.

How Long Does It Take a Domestic Cat to Go Feral? Vet-Reviewed Facts - Catster

How Long Does It Take a Domestic Cat to Go Feral? Vet-Reviewed Facts.

Posted: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

What is the Cherish the Kittens Fund Drive?

Cats were thought of as feminine, and their association with women did not help them warm up to Europeans in power. Women were treated poorly during the Middle Ages and widowed or single women with cats were considered evil or Satanic. The kind of polygamy in which a female pairs with several males, each of which also pairs with several different females. The cat is also a familiar figure in nursery rhymes, stories, and popular entertainment.

A Brief History of House Cats

Orange coloration in cats (known as genetic red) is called “sex-linked,” because the gene is located on the X chromosome. Female cats have two X chromosomes and can inherit the gene for orange and the gene for black, one on each X chromosome, and therefore can possess the colorful orange and black pattern known as tortoiseshell. But male cats with their one X chromosome can be either orange or black but not both. Only when a male cat has a rare mutation that gives him two XX chromosomes and one Y chromosome can he be tortoiseshell. The earliest known association between cats and humans likely dates to the origins of agriculture in the Middle East, about 15,000–10,000 years ago. Although the animal was certainly a source of meat and pelts, a partnership of sorts eventually developed between humans and cats, one based on mutual need.

The cat’s hearing is tuned to higher frequencies because the sounds of its usual prey are generally higher pitched. They can detect frequencies both above and below the range humans can detect. But there is also a popular belief that domestic cats have a sixth sense—the ability to find their way home over long distances.

House cats will rule the world. - Slate

House cats will rule the world..

Posted: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]


That hypothesis argues that when animals are bred for domestication, changes occur in a group of embryonic stem cells called the neural crest. These changes can result in diminished fearfulness and other qualities that appeal to humans. When examining the cat’s genetic makeup, the researchers found that the animals retained qualities of wild hypercarnivores — hunters that eat meat almost exclusively. Changes in behavior may be noted with regards to litter box use and nighttime activity levels. For example, some older cats will be more active late at night when they didn’t used to be and then sleep more during the day. Or, cats that were once fastidious about their bathroom habits may no longer cover their poop or may go outside the litter box.

Community Cats need your help

The migration began around 1700 B.C., and gained momentum from the 5th to 13th centuries. Evidence of the Egyptian cat lineage was discovered from remains unearthed in Northern Germany at a Viking trading post. Offspring are produced in more than one group (litters, clutches, etc.) and across multiple seasons (or other periods hospitable to reproduction). Iteroparous animals must, by definition, survive over multiple seasons (or periodic condition changes). Having body symmetry such that the animal can be divided in one plane into two mirror-image halves. Animals with bilateral symmetry have dorsal and ventral sides, as well as anterior and posterior ends.

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Please join us as we build a world where all cats are valued and every community has policies and resources to defend them. Archaeologists have found remains of this rodent, which originated in the Indian subcontinent, among the first human stores of wild grain from Israel, which date to around 10,000 years ago. The house mice could not compete well with the local wild mice outside, but by moving into people’s homes and silos, they thrived. As of 2017,[update] the domestic cat was the second most popular pet in the United States, with 95.6 million cats owned and around 42 million households owning at least one cat.

Bobcats are generally most active at night and during twilight hours, though it is not unusual to see them during daytime. Bobcats do not pose a threat to public safety, but may attempt to hunt an outdoor pet or small livestock if those animals are not securely enclosed at night. Thanks to advances in feline medicine, nutrition, and care, our house cats are living longer, healthier lives. And it’s a pet parent’s responsibility to help their kitty reach those golden years by giving him proper care for each life stage.

While we all wish there was a magic elixir to make our cats live forever, there’s no way to cheat death and some illnesses are unavoidable. But there are quite a few things pet parents can do to help their cat live longer. It’s commonly recommended for cats 10 and older to have bloodwork and urine testing done every six months, as organ health can change quickly. Older cats are also prone to blood pressure issues, which can lead to strokes and blindness.

Some cats in this age range will remain spry and well-muscled for years, while others will have more illnesses and degenerative disease. Though some cats will benefit emotionally and behaviorally from supervised outdoor activities such as walking on a leash or exploring outdoor enclosures, most cats can be very happy as indoor-only pets in a properly enriched environment. These 10 domesticated beauties bring much joy to cat lovers in a slightly larger feline package. Cats began their unique relationship with humans 10,000 to 12,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent, the geographic region where some of the earliest developments in human civilization occurred (encompassing modern day parts of West Asia). As people abandoned their nomadic lifestyle and settled permanently to farm the land, stored grain attracted rodents.


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