
Showing posts from December, 2020

Respite Care Scarborough

Table of Content Top services Hellenic Home - Scarborough Nursing Home2 services Adult Day Program1 service Long Term Care At our Toronto Long-Term Care facility you have the choice of private, semi-private or ward room accommodations. Our Scarborough Long-Term Care facility offers private or basic accommodations. Each floor provides a therapeutic tub and shower rooms, bright, spacious dining rooms and lounges, resident kitchenette. All residents may have up to 3 visitors at a time for an indoor visit. General indoor visitors need to sign in with screening staff, provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination status, and participate in the Home’s screening, testing protocols and Infection Prevention and Control Practices. Please note that general visitors who wish to participate in an indoor visit with their loved one, must follow the guidelines outlined below. All residents may have up to 3 visitors at a time for anindoorvisit. Top services Our fundraising efforts allow us to use a

Schedule online with Hellenic Home for the Aged Scarborough on Booking page

Table of Content Fundraising, Donations & Giving A Legacy of Care. Years of Quality Care Hellenic Home - Scarborough Nursing Home2 services Scarborough Chapel Special events designed to celebrate major Canadian and Greek occasions/holidays. Our unique on-site Greek Orthodox Chapel that provides weekly services to our residents. Residents have the option of following services at their bedside through the benefit of a closed circuit camera system. The Scarborough Long Term Care facility consists of 128 beds, offering private and basic accommodation. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. After completing the translation, the holy brothers went to Moravia, where they began to teach the services in the Slavic language. If a resident is required to be isolation under droplet/contact precautions, the schedule visit will be cancelled. Skilled Nursing At The Hellenic, residents receive lots of attention so that medical problems are discover